Over the years, we’ve seen some creative takes on bailers. You know what gets us excited? Not the $20 red bailers you can buy from the store (yawn!), but the duct-taped, painted, stickered-up, and completely customized Arizona Iced Tea and bleach bottles — especially the ones with the custom thingamajigs to keep them secured on your boat, not slipping under your foot while you’re mid-roll-tack.
We want to see yours! Show us your custom bailer: Submit a photo of your custom bailer by filling out the form below. The most useful, creative, fun, handy, or inspirational bailer will win a Blockheads Dry Bag and buff! Judges will be looking to see how individual your bailer is to your personality & boat and also how you keep it away from your feet. Make it quick! The deadline to submit a photo is June 28, 2022. Must be a Harken Blockheads Member under the age of 25 to win. Not a member? Join here.
Just don’t blame us when your teammates get stomach aches from drinking an entire gallon of Arizona Iced Tea in one afternoon…
Questions? DM us on Instagram or email us.
Photo by Matias Capizzano