My coach always says “Anticipate,” so I think that predicting the shifts and the fleet is the best way to do well in dinghy sailing. I also think that using your time on the water wisely is really important. – Andrew Chisholm
Low-Density Starts — Have a clean start on the clean end of the line so you can do what you want. Something my dad taught me! – Cadance Oswald
Always arrive early for practices and regattas. Why? Because it gives me plenty of time to rig, make lunch, visualize the racing day, and help my teammates. – Cal King
Always clean and wax your boat. A clean boat is a fast boat. – Caleb Kinnear
Two pieces of advice: 1. Fix it RIGHT the FIRST time, so you don’t have to fix it again. 2. McLube it or lose it! – Grayson Rosenberg
Just send it! – Natasha Macklin
My coaches taught me to always take care of my boat. If I know how to maintain and fix my boat then if something bad happens on the water I can fix it and keep racing! – Quinn ODell
2 eyes. 2 ears. 1 mouth. (If you open your eyes close your mouth and listen you’ll learn a lot more.) – Sam Rosenbaum
At Cambridge Yacht Club Jr. Sailing School over the summer, my instructor always told me to look around, not just at my boat. – Sean Welker
It’s not about winning individual races. It’s about being consistent over the long run. – Will Burkhart